Say What?
Yes, that is exactly what Max had done today. Ear tubes.
Since he was three months old he's been plagued with ear infections and upper respiratory infections practically each month. This past August the whole thing peaked and since then (i've counted) he's been on 5 different antibiotics, plus one repeat to treat this nonsense.
The pediatrician ever so slightly dropped this procedure in our conversation during the 18 month check-up. He kind of phrased it like this, so casually, 'its something we might need to consider, but not for a while. However, lets just get the ENT's opinion and we can discuss afterwards.' (Six points to the pediatrician for knowing how to 'guide' me in the right direction!)
I was a bit alarmed, but my frustration with Max's illnesses allowed me to be open to other ideas. So I scheduled the appointment for the 'consultation' with the ENT. Five or so minutes into the appointment it was agreed Max needed this procedure. Procedure was scheduled that day for today, six o'clock this morning.
*he was definitely getting hungry here. So were Grandma, Ginga and myself!
He did great. He was back to his ol'self after a good nap. I wont go into the details of the post-op / recovery. It was very disturbing (he was so disoriented he didnt recognize me and I kept saying, 'Mommy's here'.) and caused a lot of tears from both he and I.
Im glad its over. Tomorrow we are back to our routine - school, work - and then its the weekend. Thank heavens!