That magnet was sent home with me from the hospital after I delivered Max. I threw it up on the fridge and really never thought twice about it, until the other night where I found it under grocery lists and Max's artwork.
You see, I am a good mom. I stay in the bathroom while Max is in the tub, I usually play with him. But lately, I've been washing my face and brushing my teeth while he is in the tub. Its been working out just fine. However, one accident in the tub earlier this week led me to cleaning the tub twice before I felt it was *really* clean. I left the Comet out on the side of the tub totally blanking on the fact that Max will find this. And he will put it in his mouth.
And so he did on Thursday evening. And I completely freaked out. A call to Poison Control, the emergency room and my dad (a chemist), and of course my mother (several times) were made. Conclusion: not the best idea for Max, but not the worst either. I have no idea if he ingested any, but took precautions as if he did. Luckily, he's fine.
Today, after our large motor class, we came home and I threw this stuff out.
None of that stuff is good for the environment anyway. And surely its not good for a 14 month old little boy. I have found a recipe for a general purpose cleaner that is made from products we have in our households. I heard it works, so we are going to give it a try. I am not taking any chances, though I had these items locked up, Max can (and most likely will) figure out the ins/outs of the lock.
One quarter cup baking soda, one half cup vinegar and one half gallon of water. Mix, put into clear spray bottle and go to town on your countertops!