I dont really care to get too deep for too long. It can be such a downer. So I've said whats been on my mind this January, and I am done. Its now February. The month of love. The month where serious cabin fever and the hibernation 15 sets in (you know those unwanted pounds we all gain during the winter months - oh wait, is that only me??).
We've pretty much have had a mild winter, which is a bit surprising considering the sweltering summer we had. Or maybe that is how it works, one brutal season, one mild season. Who knows. Anyway, I've had to stop listening to the news on the radio (because we know I dont watch it) as I didnt want to hear about the drought. Even in the winter we are still experiencing drought-like conditions. Then a friend at work told me they are going to shut down the Mississippi River because the water is too low for the barges to make it through. I panicked. And then I prayed really hard for snow. I had a bye week on the regular family, health, happiness prayers and all I asked for was precipitation.
Wouldnt you know we've had quite the week of precipitation and from the looks of it it could possibly continue.
Last Friday morning: