I found this website, Be More With Less today, via Ali Edwards, as I was searching the internet for answers to life. Of course, you know my relationship with the internet and looking for answers. Never. A. Good. Thing.
In my constant quest to better my life, to increase happiness, reading this website brought inspiration into my day today. Be More With Less. How simple is that? Enjoy life with what you have, or what you need vs., what you want or what you think you want because the neighbors have it. What I really like about this website, is their 'mini-missions'. Things to do to improve your quality of life. And literally at no cost to you (financially).
The Love More Deeply mini-mission really inspired me today. Reading the list of things to do, to accomplish or complete the mission is exactly what I need to do at this point in my life.
Shift your energy
- from being right to being quiet.
- from being annoyed to being grateful.
- from being angry to being joyful.
- from being rushed to taking time.
- from eye roll to hug.
- from scowl to smile.
I wrote each of these items down earlier today. Then I wrote an example of each scenario that has presented itself in my life. Then I wrote what I will do to change, and love. Here's an example:
Tonight when Max + I came home, I just sat back and watched Max. He was sleeping, so I watched him sleep. Then he was awake and we played with the stacking cups. Then it was time to go to bed, so instead of just feeding and rocking him to sleep, I still fed and rocked, but I sang a few songs. He smiled. I smiled. This is unlike the routine. We usually rush home, eat, he plays I do housework and then its bedtime. ...being rushed to taking time. A memory I will hold close to my heart for the rest of my life.
What is one item on the list that you would like to do more of? How would you go about doing it?
Max + I are off to Florida for the New Year tomorrow. We would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year! May 2011 bring you happiness, peace and growth.